About Maria Montessori:
Dr. Maria Montessori, the first female physician to graduate from the University of Rome, observed and worked with children in the early 1900’s. After two years of working with children who were thought to be uneducable, many of them were able to read, write and pass standard public school tests.

In 1907, Dr. Montessori opened the first Case dei Bambini (children’s house) in Rome for children ages 2 to 6. She observed that while children worked using her methods, they became calmer and happier. She allowed them to explore their environment and made many of the materials for the children. These materials were designed to be self-correcting and the children used them over and over again.

She wrote many books and traveled throughout the world giving lectures and educating others on what she discovered. Dr. Montessori died in 1952, but her legacy continues to grow.

Maria Montessori was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 1949, 1950, and 1951.

Why Should I Send my Child to Preschool?
Most educators and psychologists agree that the single most important period in the development of intelligence occurs between birth and age six. A child’s mind is extremely absorbent and curiosity is at a peak during these early years. When properly nourished and stimulated, the child’s mind forms patterns for learning that will serve him well throughout life. The Montessori system has proven to be one of the most effective methods to guide a child through these critical years.

How is Keene Montessori School (KMS) Different From Other Preschools?
All of our teachers and assistants are Montessori certified and have each been with us for an average of 10 years. At KMS children are given individual lessons with each material (child-directed). Our materials allow the children to practice lessons independently for pleasure and to gain mastery.

Why are we successful?
We offer continuity of services throughout the year with our fun, relaxed summer camp. Our facility is centrally located in downtown Keene and was built specifically to our needs – clean, bright rooms and child-sized bathrooms. We are a community, fostering connections between families and within the larger Monadnock region.

At What Age Should a Montessori Education Begin?
Maria Montessori outlined various periods of “sensitivity”. During these times, a child is more capable of and interested in learning specific concepts. At about age 18 months a special sense of order, concentration, coordination, and independence begin to emerge. This time is ideal to begin at KMS to start to lay a strong foundation for future learning.

What is the Role of the KMS Teacher?
Our teachers facilitate classroom activity by planning the environment in the interests of the children. Our teachers help each child individually, allowing the child to make choices from activities within his/her range of ability. KMS teachers constantly observe each child in order to meet his/her needs and to progress from one level to the next.

What is in a KMS Classroom?
Our 3 classrooms are child-size worlds. They are set up to explore life on a level that a child can understand. Our prepared environments entice the child to proceed at his/her own pace from simple activities to more complex, from the concrete to the abstract. Through this process, the child’s natural curiosity is satisfied and he/she begins to experience the joy of discovering the world.

How is creativity encouraged?
Music, art, stories, and movement are part of daily life at KMS. We provide an environment of beauty and order, which assists in developing creative thinking. We have an emphasis on sensory learning, and the opportunity for both verbal and nonverbal learning.

What About Socialization and Group Work?
Socialization is very much part of KMS. Upon visiting one would notice children interacting while having snack or lunch, working together, on the playground, and older children helping younger children.

What Happens When my Child Leaves KMS?
Most children are ready to adjust to new classroom situations. We believe this is because they have developed a high degree of self-discipline and independence, a positive attitude toward learning, have been encouraged to make decisions, and because of the adaptability of young children in general.

Do You Encourage Parent Involvement at KMS?
We believe that parent involvement makes KMS a better school. It is important for children to feel that parents are supporting them both at home and at school. There are many ways to be involved at KMS – helping in the classroom, sharing a talent, fundraisers, fieldtrips, and attending social events.